Referring Doctors Report

Use the Referring Doctors Report comes to generate a Patient List, Patient Count, or either of these with accounts.

Before you begin

  • The Patient List version provides a list of all patients who have been referred to nominated Practitioners, by selected referring doctors, within a given date range.
  • The Patient Count version tells you the number of patients that have been referred: to nominated Practitioners, by selected referring doctors, within a given date range.
  • The Patient Count + Account version provides the same information as the Patient Count version, with the addition of a summary of the amount of money that has been billed and receipted against the patients whose referrals are included in the report, over the entire period of those referrals.
  • The Patient List + Accounts version provides the same information as the Patient List version, with the addition of a summary of the amount of money that has been billed and receipted against the listed patients, over the entire period of their referrals.
The reports which include accounts should not be treated as Financial Reports and, as such, should not be compared with Financial Reports such as Earnings reports.

About this task

Referrals are included in this report only if they commence within the period covered by the report.

Invoice and receipt amounts appear in this report if the referral that they are attached to also appears in this report. Invoice amounts include the entire amounts invoiced over the period of the referrals included in the report. Receipt amounts include moneys that have been allocated to services which were performed during the period covered by the referrals included in the report.


  1. Either:
    • Click
    • Press Ctrl + P
    • Select Reports > Print
  2. In the Print Report window, select Referring Doctors Report from the list of reports and click Next.

  3. In the Print Referring Doctors Report window, select the Practitioner for whom you would like to run the report. You can select an individual Practitioner, or choose to Select All or Clear All.

  4. Select the referring doctor you would like to include in the report. Once again, you can choose to Select All or Clear All, select the appropriate Doctors.

    You can search this list. Click somewhere inside the list, so that one of the doctors is highlighted in blue, and then type the surname of the Doctor you are searching for. When the desired Doctor appears, select the relevant check box.

  5. If you do not routinely nominate the Practitioner to whom patients have been referred when adding referrals, then you will need to select the check box labelled Include referrals that have no assigned Practitioner.
  6. Enter the date range for the report. By default the To date is set to the current date.
  7. From the Report layout drop-down box, select the category of report that you would like to generate. Select from Patient List, Patient Count, Patient Count + Accounts, and Patient List + Accounts.
  8. When you have made all of the appropriate settings, click Next
  9. Ensure that the correct printer and tray is selected and then click Next

    You will have to select the printer and tray the first time you print this report, on each terminal. Thereafter Bluechip will remember the appropriate settings.



For example, Mr William Abbott is referred to the practice as a new patient. The Referral comes from his local GP, Dr Ryan Jones. His initial consultation takes place on 3 March 2003, and this is the date on which his referral commences. The period of the referral is 12 months.

Over the course of those 12 months (that is, the period covered by the referral), the practice issues invoices to the value of $1308.00, and issues receipts to the value of $1008.00.

Imagine that today is 3 March 2004. Mr Abbot's balance as of today is $300.00.

For the purpose of this example, Dr Baker has not referred any other patients to the practice since referring Mr Abbott.

The table below indicates the results that will be produced by running various categories of the Referring Doctors Report, with a variety of date ranges selected. (Note: For all examples, Dr Example is the Practitioner to whom the patient has been referred, and Dr Baker is the selected referring doctor.)

Table 1. Referrals to Dr PJ Example, by Dr Ryan Jones
Date Range Patient List Patient Count Count + Accts List + Accts
3/3/3 - 3/3/4 Mr William Abbott 1 Inv=$1308.00, Rec=$1008.00, Disc=$0, Ref=$0, W/O=$0, Balance=$300.00 Inv=$1308.00, Rec=$1008.00, Disc=$0, Ref=$0, W/O=$0, Balance=$300.00
3/3/3 - 3/3/3 Mr William Abbott 1 Inv=$1308.00, Rec=$1008.00, Disc=$0, Ref=$0, W/O=$0, Balance=$300.00 Inv=$1308.00, Rec=$1008.00, Disc=$0, Ref=$0, W/O=$0, Balance=$300.00
4/3/3 - 3/3/4 ---- ---- ---- ----

Because the report only includes referrals that commence within the nominated date range, the third example produces no results at all.

Because the categories that include Accounts always report the amounts invoiced and receipted over the whole of the period covered by the referral, the first two reports listed above report the same figures. This is despite the fact that the first example covers a period of 12 months while the second only covers a period of one day. They both cover the date on which Mr Abbott's referral commenced.

Following this example a little further; as of 1 month later, Mr Abbott has paid the remaining $300.00. Running the same reports on 3 April 2004, with identical criteria selected, will produce the following results:

Table 2. Referrals to Dr PJ Example, by Dr Ryan Jones
Date Range Patient List Patient Count Count + Accts List + Accts
3/3/3 - 3/3/4 Mr William Abbott 1 Inv=$1308.00, Rec=$1308.00, Disc=$0, Ref=$0, W/O=$0, Balance=$0 Inv=$1308.00, Rec=$1308.00, Disc=$0, Ref=$0, W/O=$0, Balance=$0
3/3/3 - 3/3/3 Mr William Abbott 1 Inv=$1308.00, Rec=$1308.00, Disc=$0, Ref=$0, W/O=$0, Balance=$0 Inv=$1308.00, Rec=$1308.00, Disc=$0, Ref=$0, W/O=$0, Balance=$0
4/3/3 - 3/3/4 ---- ---- ---- ----

The difference in these reports is in the Receipted amount. An extra $300.00 has been allocated to the services that were performed within the 12 month period covered by the referral, and is therefore included in this report.

This report should not be treated as a Financial Report and, as such, should not be compared with Financial Reports such as Earnings reports.