Step 1: Preparing the Day Surgery Extractor, and Episode Paths in Windows.

Before you begin


  1. Locate your Day Surgery program folder. By default, this is located at C:\DS.
  2. Within the DS folder, create a new folder called 'Output'.

  3. Grab the DSIHC (Day Surgery IHC extractor) file provided by MedicalDirector, and drop it into the DS folder.

  4. Double-click the DSIHC file. The DS File locations window appears.

  5. Locate the Episodes text box, and click its associated

    button. The Browse window appears.

  6. Locate and select the DS Episodes file in your DS folder.
  7. Click

    You are returned to the DS File Locations window.
  8. Select also the paths for both the Data and Output folders.

  9. Click

    to save.
