To Write-off an Invoice

Before you begin


  1. Open the Patient's Record.
  2. Select Accounts from the Margin Menu.
  3. Select the account you want to record a write-off for.
  4. Click

    The Account window appears.

  5. Select the invoice to be written off.
  6. Click

    The Write Off window appears.

  7. Enter a reason why you are writing off the invoice.
  8. Indicate the amount you want to write off by either:
    • Writing-off the total amount by ticking the check box in the Write Off field, or
    • Enter the amount you want to write off in the Write Off field.
  9. Click OK. The details are saved and Bluechip returns to the Account window.

    The Invoice window provides a write-off column that displays the writen-off amount.

    Allwrite-offs are reflected on the Write-Offs history tab.
