Troubleshooting (SMS Reminders)
Before you begin
As SMS Reminders requires an active internet connection, if you are having trouble registering, sending or receiving messages, or checking or updating your credit status it is most likely that your internet connection has been interrupted. This may be as a result of issues external to the surgery, or it may be hardware-related within the surgery.
Ensure you check the physical connections you have to the internet such as your modem and cable connections to it and to your computer (network cables, for example).
If your scheduled reminders don't work and you have explored all of the physical possibilities for the malfunction, it could be because you need to change the log-on account for the scheduler service in Windows. This is especially likely in complex network and security environments.
To correct this, please follow these instructions:
- Navigate to the Windows Control Panel and locate and double-click on Administrative Tools.
- Locate and double-click on
- Within the Services module locate
- SMS Scheduler Service.
- Right-click the item and the select Properties from the menu that appears.
- From the properties window, select the Log On tab.
- Change the option from Local System Account to This Account.
- Enter your Windows user name and password (if you do not know your windows user name and password, please contact your systems administrator).
- Click the OK button to confirm.
- Restart the Service (there should be a text link to do this, or you can right-click the item and select Restart from the menu that appears).