Creating Patient Accounts

For each patient, configure how they can be invoiced.

About this task

Within each patient's record, you must configure the types of accounts they can be invoiced against.


To create patient accounts:
  1. Open a patient's record and locate the Accounts section.

  2. Click Create new account.
  3. In the New Account window, select the patient's practitioner from the associated Practitioner list.

  4. From the Class drop-down menu, select the Patient Claim class you associated with this practitioner earlier.
  5. Click OK.
  6. In the Account Details window, configure other settings as required.
  7. Click OK.


You will be returned to the patient's record, where you can now see the new account for Patient Claim (PC) is available.

What to do next

Repeat this process to create a Bulk Bill account for this patient also.