Claiming with Medicare Easyclaim

Submit patient claims to Medicare using Medicare Easyclaim.

Use Medicare Easyclaim to process the following claims:

  • Fully-Paid Patient Claims
  • Part-Paid Patient Claims
  • Bulk-Bill Claims
The following items are not accepted through Medicare Easyclaim:
  • In-hospital items
  • ACIR information
  • Bulk bill claims more than 2 years from date of service
  • Patient claims more than 2 years from date of service
  • Time duration dependent items
  • Notional charges
  • Patient claims pathology items excepting group 9 items
  • Bulk bill pathology items which are self-deemed or rule 3 exemptions
  • Patient claims and bulk bill claims with non-standard referrals
  • Items where the charge exceeds $9,999.99
  • Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA ) claims
  • Radiation Oncology items

If you attempt to process a claim type not accepted by Medicare Easyclaim you will be given the option to process the claim using Medicare Online as the alternative.

In the unfortunate event that Medicare Easyclaim is not available at your practice, you will need to issue the patient or claimant an account or statement and advise them to lodge their claim through an alternative channel, such as a Services Australia office. Since Medicare Easyclaim works independently of EFTPOS services, it is possible that Medicare is available while EFTPOS is not and vice versa.