Eclipse (IMC) Claim - Medicare Australia Module

When Eclipse claims are submitted within a patient's account, the claim is added to the Medicare Australia Claim section of Bluechip's Practice Explorer.

To access it, click the Practice Explorer button at the lower-right-hand side of the screen, and then from the margin menu select Medicare Australia. These claims are unprocessed and ready to action or troubleshoot depending on the status.

You can view claims associated with individual or all Practitioners. You can examine claims within a specific date range, individual or all claim types and indicate to display finalised claims. When changes are made to these options, ensure you click on the Refresh button or the Quick Refresh check box is selected to auto-refresh display. The status of claims determines the action required on the claim.

The following statuses will be displayed after an IMC has been submitted to Medicare.

Claim Status Description & Action
Awaiting Submission Claim is waiting to be sent to Medicare. Click on the Transmit button.
Awaiting Processing Report Waiting for the processing report for the claim. It can take up to 3 business days to process. Click on the Transmit button to retrieve the process report.
Awaiting Authorisation Claim requires to be authorized. Open the claim and send to Medicare from the edit screen.
Awaiting Payment Report Claim has been successfully processed, however awaiting payment report. It can take up to 6 business days to process. Click on the Transmit button to retrieve the payment report
Ready to Receipt Claim has been successful in processing and payment with Medicare. It is ready to receipt. Reconciling with the Bank Statement and payment is recognized, click on the Receipt button. Once receipted; the receipt will generate to the Banking, EFTPOS, as a Direct Debit payment.
Rejected Items within the claim have been rejected. Click on the Reject button to display the Medicare Error Code & Description, and to decide to resubmit or write off the claim

For additional Medicare Australia claim statuses, see Medicare Claim Status.