Invoices Detail Items Report

The Invoices Detail Items report is a detailed item-wise listing of invoices that were issued over a given period grouped by Practitioner and Account classification.

Before you begin

The Invoice Detail Items report provides a detailed item-wide listing of invoices:
  • Issued,
  • Reversed,
  • Adjusted over a specified date range, and grouped by practitioner, account classification, and patient;
    • Reports based on the 'practice wide' option display class-wide report totals and practice- wide report totals for all practitioners (including deactivated)
    • Reports based on the 'practitioner wide' option provide class- wide invoice totals for practitioners, and each practitioner's invoice totals. Additionally the report displays a class-based practice summary of the selected practitioners.
Ancillary Information - invoice totals on this report tally with the invoice totals on the following reports for the same date range;
  • Invoice Summary
  • Invoice Detail
  • Income Summary
  • GST
    • Debtors Reconciliation (invoices section)
Invoice transactions on this report tally with invoice transactions on the following reports for the same date range;
  • Invoice Detail Items
  • Income Analysis
  • Income Analysis Detail
  • Invoice Audit Trail

About this task

If generating a report with more than 3 years of data, export to a CSV file.


  1. Either:
    • Click
    • Press Ctrl + P
    • Select Reports > Print
  2. The Print Report window appears.

  3. Select Invoices Detail Items Report from the list of reports and click Next The Print I > nvoices Detail Items Report window appears.

  4. Enter a date range.
  5. Indicate other options as desired.
  6. Indicate which practitioners you want to print data for.
  7. Click Next when you are ready to proceed.
