Delete Multiple Patient Records

Use the Delete Patient Records Wizard to delete multiple patient records simultaneously.

Before you begin

User must have a permission to Activate/Inactivate Patient in BC Secure > Permissions. For more information, see Permissions.

About this task

Delete a patient record in the Delete Patient Records Wizard panel.


To delete a patient record:
  1. From the main menu, select BC Tools > Utilities > Delete Patient Records Wizard.
    You are prompted that Bluechip must close before the wizard can commence.
  2. The Blue Chip Patient Delete Wizard welcome screen displays. If required, to perform a backup before proceeding. in the welcome screen, click the Start HCN Backup to backup database link. For more information, see Backup / Restore.
    Patient delete Wizard welcome screen
  3. To continue, click Next ﹥. You are redirected to the Step 1: Select a database to be used for patient deletion wizard:
    Step 2 wizard
    1. From the Site list, select the Bluechip database from which you want to delete patient records.
    2. In the User name and Password fields, enter your username and password.
  4. To continue to step 2 of the wizard, select each record you want to delete and click Next ﹥.
  5. In the Step 2: Patient records eligible for deletion wizard, hover your mouse over the required patient record, set Selected individually or to delete all patient records, click Select All.
    step 2 wizard
    To reset the selection, click Clear All.
  6. The records are deleted. You are notified when the process is complete.
    Step 3 deletion in progress
  7. Click Finish.


The selected patient records are permanently deleted from Bluechip.