Step 3 – Create a Patient Account
Before you begin
When creating a new Patient Account, you are now required to select the Account Contacts. These Account Contacts are selected here; to generate as the CC's on the Patient letter.
- From the Account by clicking the New button.Note: If the patient account exists, the account can be edited to select the contact fields. , create a new
The New Account window appears. Select the required Practitioner, class as 'Private', and then click the OK button.
The Account Details window appears. Select;
- Health Fund Membership as New
- Health Fund field either enter or click into the list to select the required fund.
- Enter the Account Name as on the health card, or if the name differs, select the option above Health Fund.
- Enter the Membership No. , Ref No. and select the Default Membership option. This will generate the details onto the Patient Details screen.
Note: If a Health Fund had been entered previously, it will appear in the Health Fund drop down list.
- Select the required Contacts by clicking the drop down lists, and then click OK.Note: The selected Contact fields have set the account for billing and to automatically generate the CC details to the correspondence for the Patient if required.