Step 3 – Create a Patient Account

Before you begin

When creating a new Patient Account, you are now required to select the Account Contacts. These Account Contacts are selected here; to generate as the CC's on the Patient letter.


  1. From the Patient > Details, create a new Account by clicking the New button.Note: If the patient account exists, the account can be edited to select the contact fields.
  2. The New Account window appears. Select the required Practitioner, class as 'Private', and then click the OK button.

  3. The Account Details window appears. Select;
    • Health Fund Membership as New
    • Health Fund field either enter or click into the list to select the required fund.
    • Enter the Account Name as on the health card, or if the name differs, select the option above Health Fund.
    • Enter the Membership No. , Ref No. and select the Default Membership option. This will generate the details onto the Patient Details screen.

    • Note: If a Health Fund had been entered previously, it will appear in the Health Fund drop down list.
  4. Select the required Contacts by clicking the drop down lists, and then click OK.Note: The selected Contact fields have set the account for billing and to automatically generate the CC details to the correspondence for the Patient if required.
