Recurring Appointments via the Patient Explorer

Before you begin

Appointments: Recurring or Multiple - Running Time: 02:09

The following information relates to creating a recurring appointment via the patient's record. You can also create a recurring appointment via the Appointment Book.


  1. Ensure you have opened a patient's record, and are viewing the Patient Explorer.
  2. Select the Bookings margin menu item. The Patient Bookings window appears.

  3. Click New. The New Appointment Wizard appears.

    • As you are recording a new booking via a patient's file, the patient's name is automatically displayed in the Patient field.
    • The Status field is initially disabled, with 'Booked' selected by default. This field becomes enabled when the patient arrives and the status is changed via the Waiting Room.
  4. Select a Practitioner from the Practitioner drop-down list. Only practitioners recorded in Bluechip will be available.
  5. Select the purpose of the booking from the Type drop-down list.
  6. Enter an appointment duration time if necessary. The duration defaults to the default time recorded for the selected Practitioner, via the Appointments tab of Practitioner Setup.
  7. The Referring Doctor field automatically displays the patient's most current Referral (if available) and Referring Doctor. If necessary, you can create a new referral via this window, by clicking the drop-down arrow and then clicking Add on the secondary window that appears.
  8. Tick the Make Multiple Recurring Appointments check box.
  9. Click Next to continue. The Create Recurring Appointments window appears.

  10. Enter a date for the first appointment in the Date field manually, or click Calendar and select a date.
  11. Enter the number of appointments you want to book.
  12. Stagger the appointments using the Time Between Bookings fields:
    • Enter the number of days, weeks or months between appointments.
    • Select whether the increment will be based on days, weeks or months using the associated drop-down list.
    • (Optional) Enter a Best Day / Date in Period. If you selected Day(s) as your Time Between Bookings, this option will not be available. Likewise, if you selected Week(s), the selection will default to the same day as that of your chosen Date of First Appointment (Step 10). If however, you selected Month(s), you will have access to a drop-down list of day/date options such as specific days, or 'First Friday of Month', and so on.
  13. Enter a preferred time for the appointment in the Best Time field, or click Clock and select a time.
  14. Select whether or not you will allow double-bookings by enabling/disabling check box, and then how many 'double-ups' you will permit.
  15. Click Next to continue. The Revise Recurring Appointments window appears.

    Take a moment to confirm that this appointments schedule is suitable. You also have an opportunity to print the list from here.
  16. Click Next and review any warnings about the appointments you want to record in the Review Appointment Warnings window.

  17. Click Finish when you are ready to record the range of multiple appointments. Y


ou are returned to the Patient Bookings window, where the appointment details are now available.

The new appointments are also entered in the Appointment Book.