Refund Menu
Before you begin
Refunds are performed in a patient's account after banking has been finalised. It does not change an issued invoice or receipt, nor does it change a day's takings. Due to refunds usually being drawn from the practice's account, it records the refund within the Banking module.
The Refund menu displays all refunds given for a specific date range. The Refund details recorded are as follows:
- Issue Date
- Reversed (if refund was reversed)
- Entry Time
- Refund No.
- Amount
- Reason (reason for refund)
- Refund Type
- Refund Method
- Patient (who received the refund)
- User (staff who issued refund)
Within Bluechip, click
or press F12 on your keyboard. The appears. Select Banking from the margin menu. This will display the Bank Account Name, Bank Details and the Unbanked totals - To open the bank account you want to perform banking for, either double-click the account, or select it and click Open
Select the Refunds menu. The window appears.
- The Show records for drop-down list provides you with a quick date range selection. The default is Current Month. When Date Range is selected, enter the required dates, and then press TAB on your keyboard. This automatically lists the Refunds issued for the specific date range.
- Ticking the Note:Show Audit Trail is available if required.
check box displays refund reversals for the specific date range.