About the Account/Health Fund/Patient Relationship

To bill a patient, you must create at least one account for them. And, a patient may have multiple accounts created for them e.g. a different account for each practitioner, and/or different accounts for private billing, bulk billing and so on.

If a patient is also a member of a health fund, and they want to claim with that health fund, you need to ensure that the account you bill with is associated with the patient's health fund i.e. within the settings for the account, you stipulate that a health fund is involved, as shown in the following example.

When you stipulate that a patient's billing account is associated with a health fund, you can also indicate that the health fund is their default i.e. a patient can be a member of multiple health funds, and one of them can be set as the default. This is indicated using the Default Membership check box, as shown on the example above.

If you do indicate that a particular health fund is the default for a patient, details of the patient's membership with that health fund are displayed within the Health Fund Membership Summary section at the bottom-right of the Patient Details window, an example of which is shown below.

If this section is not visible for a given patient, this indicates that either the patient is not a member of any health funds, or that one has not been selected as the default.