Banking Items of Interest

The following table provides a description of fields and functionality within the Banking menus.

Receipt Summary Section Displays the amount of cash, cheques or credit vouchers to be banked.

Allows you to print a draft deposit slip before you finalise the banking.

Allows you to finalise the deposit slip.
Bought Forward Displays any deposits brought forward from previous dates.
Received Displays the amount received in cash or the number of cheques or credit vouchers when the text is highlighted in Receipt Summary section.
This Deposit Displays the amount of this deposit received in cash or the number of cheques or credit vouchers when the text is highlighted in Receipt Summary section.
Cash Drawings Displays the cash amount drawn by the account holder which will not be banked.
Carry Forward Displays the cash amount from this deposit that will be banked at a future date.
Received Displays the date the amount was deposited.
Paid by Displays the name of the patient who made the payment.
Amount Displays the amount paid depending on which text is highlighted in the Receipt Summary section.

Allows you to view the deposit receipt.
Carry forward check box Allows you to exclude a cash amount from this deposit and bank it at a future date.
Total received Displays the total amount received in this deposit including cash, cheques, and credit vouchers.
Less Cash drawings Displays the cash amount drawn from this deposit that will never be banked.
Less Carry forward Displays the cash amount from this deposit that will be banked on a future date.
Total to be banked Displays the total amount to be banked less any cash drawings or cash carried forward.