Create a New Service Item

Before you begin

Creating a new miscellaneous Service Item called Sundry, Overpayment (or whatever service item description is appropriate for your practice) will cater for the invoice required on the Patient file.


  1. Select Setup > Lists > Service Items, and then select Miscellaneous from the Service Item List.

  2. Click

    to display the Service Item window; which lists the available miscellaneous service times.
  3. Click New to display the New Serviced Item window, and enter the new service item number. In this case an alpha abbreviation is suitable. For example, the Service Item Overpayment is the most appropriate for the demo Practice's workflow and the number (abbreviation) is Over.

    Note: This field has 8 characters only. The description text box will cater for the extended name or details required.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Click the new service item to highlight. Leave the Standard > Fee field blank and enter the appropriate Description.Note: Leaving the Standard Fee blank ensures the amount is being determined when issuing the invoice, balancing the patient's record.
  6. Click
