Issue the Invoice

Before you begin

When a credit amount is outstanding in a patient record, and it is not being refunded to the patient; an invoice is required. The invoice will balance the patient's record and also generate the amount as revenue.


  1. From the Patient > Details screen, highlight the appropriate account, right-click and select Open Account. An outstanding credit amount is noted.

  2. Issue an invoice to balance the record.
    • Click

    • Enter the miscellaneous Service > Item.
    • Enter the outstanding amount in the Fee column
    • Click

    • Select Referral, OK for date, click OK through the Allocate > Credit > Amounts screen, and click File or Print invoice. Unable to allocate at this time.

  3. The invoice has recalculated a $0.00 balance. However, the Debtor and Credit > Balances are still outstanding. A Manual > Allocation is required to reconcile the invoices to the receipt. Invoice tab

    Account Balances

  4. In the patient's record, click the Account > Credits tab. This display the receipt to the top of the screen, and the credit type details as payment to the bottom of the screen. Account Credits tab (top of screen) Details (bottom of screen)

  5. Click the Allocate/Refund Credit Payment button. This displays the Allocate Credit Amount screen, with the receipt to the top of the screen already selected to allocate and the available invoices to allocate to the bottom of the screen.

    to allocate the invoices. The Payment Amount Available and Total Allocated amount must equal to finish the process. Click the OK button.
  6. All Account Balance are now $0.00.

  7. Still on the Account > Credit tab, the Running > Balance now shows as $0.00, the Credit > Allocation and the adjusted Prepayment (Service Item - Overpayment) transactions. These are the double-sided entries required to balance the file. Account Credits tab (top of screen) Details (bottom of screen)

    It also generates to the Account > Debtor tab, listing the audit trail of transactions issued to balance the file and the overpayment amount. Account Debits tab (top of screen) Details (bottom of screen)
