Income Summary Report

The Income Summary report provides a summary of net earnings, accrued-based and cash-based, for a specified date range (practice-wide or practitioner-wide).

Before you begin

The report also lists or takes into account write-offs, discounts and refunds of allocated payments which are either expenses or contra income against the earned revenue. Additionally provides summary totals of unallocated credit payments and refund of unallocated credit payments for a given period.

Net earnings in accrued-based include the net of the totals of the following transaction types:
  • Add invoices issued
  • Sundry invoices issued and
  • Deduct claim/batch error write-off,
  • Discounts granted for invoices,
  • Bad D=debt write-offs
  • Refunds of allocated payments
Net earnings in cash-based include the net of the totals of the following transaction types:
  • Add receipt allocated to invoice items
  • Credit allocated to invoice items
  • Deduct refunds of allocated payments
Ancillary Information - totals tally with the related sections of the following reports for the same date range:
  • Invoice Summary report and Invoice Detail report
  • Allocation Summary report and Allocation Detail report
  • Income Analysis report and Income Analysis detail report
  • GST
  • Debtors' reconciliation

About this task

If generating a report with more than 3 years of data, export to a CSV file.


  1. Either:
    • Click
    • Press Ctrl + P
    • Select Reports > Print
  2. The Print Report window appears.

  3. Select Income Summary Report from the list of reports and click Next The Print > Income Summary Report window appears.

  4. Enter a date range.
  5. Indicate other options as desired.
  6. Indicate which practitioners you want to print data for.
  7. Click Next when you are ready to proceed.
