Manual Receipting of Online Claims
Before you begin
You may find it necessary to manually-receipt an online claim. This can occur if for example;
- The claim processing gets delayed at Medicare's end, with no processing details returned to Bluechip.
- Medicare pays the claim, and payment is made to your bank account, but the processing details are not retrieved by Bluechip.
The following information explains how to manually-receipt a Medicare Online Bulk Bill claims and DVA Streamlined claims. This functionality is currently not available to Medicare Online Patient Claims. It requires that you have an understanding of;
- How to invoice to Medicare Online Bulk Bill, DVA Streamlined, or Eclipse claims.
- How to send invoices to Medicare Online Bulk Bill, DVA Streamlined, or Eclipse claims.
Conduct an online claim, as normal. After
you have submitted the claim you will be returned to the Medicare Australia
To begin manually-receipting a claim, locate the claim you want to receipt, and either:
- Double-click the claim.
- Select the claim, and click OpenThe View Medicare Australia Claim window appears.
- For claims that have already been submitted to Medicare, but the processing report is not yet available or has not yet been retrieved, the following message appears;
- If you select 'No', the process is cancelled and you are returned to the View Medicare Australia Claim window.
- If you select 'Yes', you will be presented with the Multi Patient receipt window (see Step 4).
- For claims that have already been submitted to Medicare, and the processing report has been retrieved, the following message appears;
- If you select 'No', you will be presented with Multi Patient Receipt window to manually receipt the claim (see Step 4).
- If you select 'Yes', Bluechip automatically creates a receipt for the claim based on the amount details given in the Processing Report and finalises the claim, after which the status of the claim reads 'Manually Receipted'.
- For claims that have already been submitted to Medicare, but the processing report is not yet available or has not yet been retrieved, the following message appears;
You will be prompted to confirm that you want to manually-receipt the claim, after which the New Multi Patient Receipt window appears.
Complete the payment details as you would a normal receipt.
- Payments can be recorded for multiple patients.
- You can use multiple payment types, indicating which patient has made which payment, as shown in the Payment Method section of the window.
- In the example above, patients Marcy Abdul and David Anderson elected to round their payments up to the nearest dollar, resulting in their accounts being in credit, as indicated in the Option and Difference columns.
- Ensure that you tick the receipt allocation check box for each service item that you allocate payment to. All check boxes must be ticked, and you must have a positive payment balance in order to issue the receipt.
When you are ready to proceed, click
The Issue Receipt window appears.
- The date of issue defaults to the current date, but can be modified if desired.
Click OK. to confirm issuing the receipt. Notice that the Medicare Australia - Online Claims window now indicates that the claim was finalised by being manually receipted. You must un-tick the Exclude Finalised Claims check box on this window to view finalised claims.