Notes on Sending Invoices to Medicare Online

  • There can be a maximum of 80 vouchers per claim.
  • There can only be a maximum of 14 invoices per voucher.
  • The Claim ID is set automatically by Bluechip and cannot be changed. The Claim ID follows the format xnnnn@ where:
    • x is and alpha (except I or O) or # for in-hospital services (Note: the # is not used for DVA claims unless one of the vouchers in the claim has an "Hospital" referral type. If this is not the case, the letter A is used).
    • nnnn is a four(4) digit number. Should this number exceed 9999, it will be reset to 0.
    • @ identifies the claim as an electronic claim for Medicare Online.
  • Medicare has 3 main statuses for a claim item:
    • Paid
    • Accepted as Referred to a Medicare Operator
    • Rejected
  • Processing and payment reports will not be available until Medicare has assessed all items in the claim.
  • All vouchers in a claim must be for the same servicing provider and same payee provider.
  • All vouchers must be authorised before they can be sent.
  • The hospital name must be sent to Medicare for all services which are "in hospital".
  • Invoices cannot be created for a Medicare Online batching account if the eligibility check is not passed.
  • A claim cannot be edited or deleted once transmitted to Medicare.
  • The servicing provider can only be a locum or the payee provider. Only one servicing provider can be nominated per claim. If a Practitioner in the practice (that is a Practitioner associated with a room) is providing a service for another Practitioner, they must set themselves up as a locum. This requirement is to prevent bank transfer entry problems. The transfer of moneys between the Practitioners involved in these circumstances must be handled outside of Bluechip.
  • Only invoices which are for an account associated with the payee provider (room) and for the nominated practitioner can appear in the available invoices list.
  • The list of servicing providers is assembled from the Practitioner and locums that have raised invoices for the nominated payee provider room.
  • To appear in the available invoices list, invoices must:
    • Have no allocations against them.
    • Not be attached to another claim (excluding those claims that are same day deleted).
    • Have a balance greater than zero.
    • Not be adjusted.
    • Not be associated with a deleted patient.
    • Have an issue date less than or equal to the current date.
  • Store and Forward Method - When using the store and forward method, the claim record is saved and can be transmitted at a later time from the Medicare Online Claims window.
  • Authorising and/or sending a claim will invoke the Medicare Online - Processing Claim(s) window as described in Transmitting.

    The processing window will close automatically once processing has completed successfully. If an error occurs during processing, the window will remain open to allow for the errors to be reviewed and the processing information saved to file as desired.

  • An authorised claim can be edited provided that it has not been submitted.

    Creating and Sending Invoices for Medicare Online DVA Allied Health