Creating the Day Surgery Miscellaneous Price List in MedicalDirector Bluechip
Before you begin
Within Bluechip select . The window appears.
Click New The window appears.
- Enter a name and abbreviation for the Day Surgery price list. Depending on individual circumstances, a Day Surgery miscellaneous price list may need to be created for each health fund.
- Click confirm and exit the New Service Item List window. You will be returned to the Service Item Lists window, where the new Day Surgery Service Item List is now displayed.
Select the new list.
The window appears. -
Within the Service Items window, click NewThe New Service Item window appears.
- Enter a miscellaneous item number, based upon the health fund contract (e.g. AL005).
Click confirm. You will be returned to the Service Items window.
- Select the new fee.
- Within the box enter the fee based upon the health fund's contract.
- Enter the item code's description within the Description field.
- Reselect the Service Item entry to confirm your changes.
- Repeat steps 7 through to 13 to complete the price list.
When completed, click
and then OK.