Manually-Receipting Easyclaim Claims
It may be necessary to manually-receipt an Easyclaim claim if the claims are not finalised. This may occur if Medicare fails to supply the associated processing/payment reports for the claim.
Once you have successfully submitted a claim, you must wait 24 hours before you may manually receipt it, as indicated by

becoming available, as shown in the image below.

becoming available, as shown in the image below.

For claims that have a status of 'Awaiting Payment Report', upon clicking

you will be prompted with the following:

you will be prompted with the following:

If you select 'No' you will be presented with the Receipt window to manually receipt the claim.
If you select 'Yes', Bluechip automatically creates a receipt for the claim based on the amount details given in the Processing Report and finalises the claim, after which the status of the claim reads 'Manually Receipted'. Once a claim has been finalised in this way, the

button is disabled.

button is disabled.
For claims that have a status of 'Awaiting Processing Report', upon clicking

you will be prompted with the following:

you will be prompted with the following:

If you select 'No' the process is cancelled and you are prompted to view the Medicare Australia window.
If you select 'Yes', you will be presented with the receipt window. Notice that this window includes a Claim ID (at top left), and that both the


buttons are disabled. Note also that the Allocations section displays only the specific invoice for which the manual receipt is being generated.


buttons are disabled. Note also that the Allocations section displays only the specific invoice for which the manual receipt is being generated.

Manually-receipted transactions (either fully-paid, part-paid or in credit) display a status of 'Finalised(Manually Receipted)' after being receipted.

Medicare Online