Awaiting Authorisation |
To authorise the claim, open it, and select either 'Send' if
you want to immediately send the claim to the Medicare Australia, or 'Store' to
authorise and store it for later submission. Authorised claims that are stored
will have a status of 'Awaiting Submission'. |
Awaiting Submission |
A claim with this status is waiting to be sent to the Medicare
Australia. click the Transmit button to submit the
claim. |
Awaiting Process Report |
The processing report is available within 3 business days of
the claim being transmitted to Medicare Australia, and details any exceptions
arising from the processing of the claim. Information contained in this report
can be used to allow re-submission of items that have no payments made against
them. This allows these items to be reprocessed without waiting for the Payment
Report to be received. Click the Transmit button to
retrieve the Processing Report. |
Awaiting Payment Report |
A claim with this status has successfully retrieved the
processing report and is waiting for the payment report. The payment report is
available within 6 business days of the claim being transmitted to Medicare
Australia, and details the deposit information for payments made to the
practitioner in respect of the claims. Once received, Bluechip can then create
receipts and other entries (allocations, write-offs, sundry invoices) to
finalise the claim. Click the Transmit button to
retrieve the Payment Report. |
Ready To Receipt |
Successful receipt of the payment report will allow receipting
to be completed for the claim. |
All Rejected |
All items in this claim have been rejected. Click the
Rejected button at the Medicare Online Claims window
to process these items. |
Finalised (Receipted) |
The claim has been finalised. No further action is
required. |
Finalised (All rejected) |
The claim has been finalised. No further action is
required. |
Finalised (Manually Receipted) |
The claim was manually finalised. See Finalising Receipting and Rejections for Inpatient Medical Claims
for more information. |
Same Day Delete |
The claim has been deleted. No further action is
required. |