Medicare Online Claim Receipt Window

The Medicare Online Claim Receipt window allows you to receipt claims returned for Medicare.

Claim ID Displays the Claim ID.
Claim Type Displays the Claim Type.
Claim Date Displays the date of the claim.
Payee Room Displays the Practitioner and the room location.
Practitioner/Locum Displays the name of the Practitioner or locum and the Provider number.
Claim Total Displays the Claim Total.
Date Paid Displays the date the claim was paid.
Payment Method Displays the Payment Method.
Receipt No Displays the Receipt number.
Supplementary Amt Displays the supplementary amount.
Total Paid Displays the total amount paid.
Date Displays the date of the item.
Patient Displays the patient name.
Inv No Displays the invoice number.
Item Displays the service item code.
Amount Displays the amount of the service item.
Paid Displays the amount paid.
Error Displays the error code.
Option Allows you to select the option to be applied. The available options are:

Accept - This option appears when the item is paid in full.

Write-Off - A Write-off receipt is created for a difference between the amount of the original invoice and the amount paid for this item.

Leave Unpaid - The amount not paid for the invoice item is left outstanding.

Sundry Invoice - This option appears when the amount paid is greater than the amount claimed and cannot be changed.

Add KM Allowance - This option is applicable to DVA claims where a KM allowance has been paid. As this item is not directly invoiced, the amount has to be accounted for differently and does not appear in the receipts listing or have allocation records.

Exception Code/Description Displays the Exception Code description.
OK. Saves the details.

Cancels the window.