Medicare Online - Processing Claims Window

Use the Medicare Online - Processing Claims window to monitor the claim process.

Each step Bluechip takes in the transmission of the claim to Medicare will be detailed in tree-view form. As each step is completed, an icon will show whether it has been completed successfully.

If, after processing has been completed, there are errors in the authorisation or transmission process, processing details can be saved to a text file.

The claim processing information with the transmission is stored in case of system error.

Allows you to save the processing information to a selected file. Note: This function is only available after processing is completed.

Allows you to abort the claim processing procedure. Note: Aborting of the process may not be immediate if transmission of information is being undertaken.

Allows you to close the Medicare Online Processing window.

Processing or Verifying (OPV).

Error or Report Not Available.

Processing successfully completed.

Processing aborted.

Warnings exist (Medicare card warnings).