Medicare Online Claim Authorisation - New Claim Window

The Medicare Australia Online Claim Authorisation - New Claim window allows you to select an authorisation method and the authorisation to be completed. This window appears when you attempt to save or store a new or as yet transmitted claim.

Authorisation Method Allows you to select an authorisation method from the drop-down box. Note: The authorisation method is either based on the Location or the HCI Token for a service provider. If the authorisation method is set to 'Location', no other inputs are required.

If the authorisation method is set to Token for a service provider, the password, Practitioner Declaration check box and HCI Token check box must be entered.

Password Allows you to enter the password for Practitioner i-Key.
Practitioner Declaration Select this check box if you have read the Practitioner Declaration. This document is provided by Medicare and stipulates the conditions under which the claim is made.

Allows you to view the declaration. The Practitioner Declaration is a document provided by Medicare which stipulates the conditions under which the claim is made.
HCI Token Select this check box if you have inserted the correct i-Key token into your computer.
OK. Allows you to save the settings and initiates the claim authorisation process.

Allows you to cancel the claim.