Notes on the Claims Window
- Only claims meeting the claim selection criteria will be displayed;
- All Payee rooms will be listed in the "Payee Rooms" list. Payee rooms which have are flagged as deleted / inactive will annotated as such.
- Claims which are of a "Store and Forward" type will have an asterisk (*) at the end of the Claim ID.
- Claims which have been "Same Day Deleted" will be shown in red with a line through them.
- New Patient Claims cannot be created from the Claim List window.
- The "New" function will be disabled then the Claim Type is set to "Patient Claims".
- All Patient Claims must be created from the Accounts window.
- The "Open…" function will only be enabled when a single claim is selected.
- The "Delete…" function will only be enabled when a single claim is selected.
- The "Delete…" function will remove the Patient Claim from the Bluechip database if it has not yet been submitted.
- If a patient claim has been submitted the "Delete…" function will initiate a "Same Day Delete" process.
- The transmit function is available for single or multiple claims. Only claims with a status requiring transmission will be processed.
- The "Receipt…' function is not applicable to Patient Claims with a status of:
- Finalised (Receipted)
- Same Day Delete
- The "Log…" function will only be enabled when a single claim is selected.