Patient Updates Window

The Patient Updates window displays recommendations of updates to patients' details supplied by Medicare. Each claim submission transmits patient information that is verified by Medicare. From time to time this information may differ between the Bluechip and Medicare records. Differences in patient information is transmitted back from Medicare with the processing report, and can be automatically applied in Bluechip using this function.

The window also shows the list of updates that can be applied. All updates are mutually exclusive, and listed in order that they were received (that is when the processing report was received). Updates may appear to be repeated as several processing reports may return the same update information. When the mouse hovers over the Flag column, a hint will show the description associated with the Medicare flag.

Items of interest on this window
Date Displays the date the record was sent from Medicare.
Patient Name Displays the patient name.
Flag Displays the Medicare flag.
New Family Name Displays the new family name.
New Given Name Displays the new given name.
New Med/Vet No. Displays the new medicare or veteran affairs number.
New Medicare Ref Displays the new medicare reference number.
Option Allows you to select an action to apply to the patient record.

Applies all actions.

Ignores all actions.
OK. Saves the details.

Closes the window.