Medicare Window
The Medicare window allows you to process claims using Medicare Online and track the progress of Inpatient Medical Claiming via ECLIPSE.
Claims can be sorted by clicking on the column heading. This allows claims to be grouped and processed together for reporting and transmission to Medicare. An arrow in the column header denotes the currently "sorted by column" and the direction of the sort.

- Filter the list of claims by using the controls in the Claim Selection section at
the top of the window.Once you have made a change to the criteria in this section,
to apply the change, filtering the list accordingly. Note that you can also tick the Quick Refresh check box which automatically refreshes the window with each change you make to the Claim selection criteria in the window. - You can quickly locate a specific claim if you know its Claim ID, by typing the ID into the Find Claim text box and clicking the associated button.
- Manually transmit claims that are awaiting transmission. By default, claims are sent immediately upon invoicing them. However, if for example your Internet access is not available at the time, claims are held in a pool, awaiting manual transmission later. All claims whether transmitted or awaiting transmission, can be found in the Medicare Australia - Online Claims Window.
- View a claim's transmission log.
- Open a selected claim to view the results of processing, and to finalise receipting or rejections, as shown below.
Items of interest on the Medicare Australia Online Claims window | |
From Date | Allows you to select a From date for the claims listing. The 'from date' is displayed automatically as 14 days prior to the current date or the earliest date of a claim in the claims list that has not been finalised. |
To Date | Allows you to enter a To date for the claims listing. The 'to date' is displayed as the current date by default. |
Claim Type | Filters the list of claims to show only claims of
type; All Bulk Bill DVA Easyclaim Eclipse Patient Claim |
Claim Status | Filters the list of claims to show only claims where the
status is; All Awaiting Submission Awaiting Process Report Awaiting Payment Report Ready to Finalise Finalised |
Exclude Finalised Claims | Allows you to exclude receipted claims by selecting the check box. |
Selects/Deselects all payees within the Payee Rooms list (see below). |
Payee Rooms | Displays a list of the payees and the room location to which funds will be paid. |
Quick Refresh check box | Automatically refreshes the window with each change you make to the window. |
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Allows you to refresh the window. When a change has been made to the window the Refresh button is displayed in bold. This indicates to the user that this button should be clicked to reflect the current selection options in the claims section of the window. |
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Locate a specific claim from within the list displayed by entering the Claim ID, and clicking the Find Claim button. |
Date | Displays the date the claim is created in Bluechip. |
Claim ID | Displays the claim ID. The Claim ID is the unique Claim ID
generated by Bluechip. The Claim ID follows the format xnnnn@ where: x is and alpha character (except I or O) or # for in-hospital services (note: the # is not used for DVA claims unless one of the vouchers in the claim has an 'Hospital' referral type. If this is not the case, the letter A is used). nnnn is a four(4) digit number. Should this number exceed 9999, it will be reset to 0. @ identifies the claim as an electronic claim for Medicare Online. * identifies store and forward claims. |
Room | Displays the Practitioner name and room location. |
Vouchers | Displays the number of vouchers in a claim. Should items in a claim be rejected, the number of rejected items is shown in brackets after the number of vouchers. |
Total | Displays the total amount of a claim. |
Status | Displays the status of the claim. The statuses are: All Rejected Awaiting Authorisation Awaiting Payment Report Awaiting Process Report Awaiting Submission Finalised (All rejected) Finalised (Deleted) Finalised (Manually Receipted) Finalised (Receipted) Ready to Finalise(R) Same Day Delete* Ready to Receipt * Available if the deletion is done within 24 hours of claim submission. Note: these are displayed
here in alphabetical order, and not in the order in which they might occur
in practice. For more information about the Status field, and how the status changes during a claim, see Medicare Claim Status. |
New | Allows you to create a new claim. |
Open | Allows you to view the details (such as invoices and Service Items) that have been transmitted to Medicare. Note: This option is only available when a single claim has been selected. |
Delete | Allows you to delete an existing claim provided it has not been transmitted to Medicare or it is being deleted on the same day as the transmission. Note: This option is only available when a single claim has been selected. |
Transmit | Allows you to transmit the claim. All selected claims will be processed, with the next step in the claims process being executed for the respective claim. Processing will continue until a step in the processing sequence fails. At this point the next claim will be processed (when multiple claims are selected). |
Rejected | Items that have been rejected by Medicare can be processed with this button. This is only available when a single claim is selected and rejected items exist for the selected claim. |
Receipt | Allows you to receipt items
that have been paid by Medicare. This process if only available when a single
claim is selected and paid items exist for the selected claim. When viewing Patient Claims: This function will update the status of a Patient Claim to "Finalised (Receipted)". Once a practice has received monies owing from Medicare, the status of the claim can be updated so as to remove it from the displayed list. This function does not produce a receipt; it will only update the claim status. |
Log | Allows you to view the transaction log. |
Updates | Allows you to update patient details according to information received from Medicare. |