Medicare Patient Claim Results Window

The Patient Claim results window displays the results of any claims you have processed using Online Patient Claiming.

Claim ID Displays the Bluechip ID for the claim. Note: If the claim is an Interactive Patient Claim, the Medicare ID is displayed brackets.
Date Displays the date the claim was created. Note: For submitted claims the date and time is displayed in brackets.
Patient Name Displays the patient's name.
Patient Medicare No. Displays the patient's Medicare number, including the reference number.
Claimant Name Displays the name of the claimant.
Claimant Medicare No. Displays the Medicare number of the claimant, including the reference number.
Claim Total Displays the total amount of the claim.
Patient Contribution Displays the amount received from the patient at the time of the claim.
Benefit Displays the benefit paid for the claim.
Payment Type Displays the method of payment by Medicare.
Claim Error Code Displays the error code associated with the claim.
Claim Error Level Displays the error level of this claim.
Claim Items Displays all invoice items that form part of the Patient Claim. This also includes errors reported by Medicare. Note: These fields cannot be modified.
Claim Items - Date Displays the date of service for the item.
Claim Items - Inv No Displays the invoice number associated with the item.
Claim Items - Item Displays the item code for the service.
Claim Items - Description Displays a description of the service performed.
Claim Items - Amount Displays the amount charged for the service.
Claim Items - Benefit Displays the benefit paid for the service. Note: This amount is only displayed for interactive claims. The amount shown if the item is not immediately assessed or there is an error associated with the item Benefit, Error Code, and Error Level columns will show "N/A'.
Claim Items - Error Code Displays the Service Error Code for claims with an 'Unacceptable' status, or an Explanation Code for 'Acceptable' status. Note: More than one error code can be recorded against an invoice item.
Claim Items - Error Level Displays the Service Level status as: Acceptable - the claim can be accepted and will be referred to a Medicare staff operator. OR Unacceptable - the claim cannot be accepted with the current error(s).
Error Code/Description Displays the error code and a description of the error. Note: Select the item with the error again (in the Claims Items section) to display the error description in this field.

Accepts the claim.

Cancels the claim. Note: Cancelling the claim will cause a Same Day Delete.