To Apply a Bad Debt Status to a Patient's Account

Before you begin


  1. Open the patient's record.
  2. Select Accounts from the margin menu.

  3. Select an account and click

    The list of invoices for that account are displayed.

  4. Select an invoice and then click

    The Account Details window appears.

  5. Click

    within the Status field at the top-right of the window. The Account Status window appears.

  6. Select the Referred to Debt Collector option. Upon selecting this option the associated

    button becomes available.
  7. Click

    to select a Debt Collector, after which you will be returned to the Account Status window.
  8. Enter the date on which the referral was made into the remaining text box.
  9. Click OK. when finished.

    This action has the following effects:

    • When searching for patients, you will notice that this patient has a pink Bad Debt warning on the search window.
    • If an attempt is made to make an appointment for this patient, a warning appears reminding the user of the patient's status.
    • If an attempt is made to create an invoice or receipt for this patient, a warning appears reminding the user of the patient's status.
    • On the patient's Accounts window, the status column will display 'BAD DEBT'.
