Receipting Debt Collection Items

When you click

in a bad debt account, a message appears reminding you that: "This patient has been referred to a debt collector. Do you want to create a new receipt?" If you respond by clicking the associated OK. button, a new receipt will appears. However, if you click Cancel the receipt will not be created.

If the money you are receipting has been received from a debt collector, you can choose 'Debt Collection' as the payment type. This will be treated in the banking as a cheque. If the payment was received in a form other than cheque, then specify that payment type rather than Debt Collection. If the money was received from the patient, then just receipt it normally.

When you attempt to issue the receipt, you will be prompted, "Has this amount been received from a Debt Collector?". If the money came from a debt collector, on the prompt that appeared, select 'Yes'. If the money came from the patient, select 'No'. The selection you make here will affect the reports on the allocation of money to bad debt accounts. See General Financial Reports for more information.

If, when issuing a receipt, any of the bad debt accounts being allocated to revert to a $0 balance, then an extra window will appear. This second window lists the accounts that have been zeroed, and offers you the opportunity to change their status from Bad Debt to Bad Payer. All of the accounts listed are selected by default, so you would need to de-select one to stop its status from being changed. Click OK. when you are ready to proceed.