Step 1: Patient Details
Before you begin
A patient's Medicare card details and doctor's referral must be recorded within the Patient Details window, for verification purposes, and to assist with the patient claim to Medicare.
Open the patient's record. The Patient Explorer appears, and you are presented with the patient's details.
- Locate the Medicare section.
- Enter the patient's Medicare Card Number and Expiry Date. This will automatically generate a Ref number - modify it if necessary.
If the patient's name, as recorded in Bluechip, differs to that as recorded with Medicare, you will be prompted to confirm the difference. If this occurs;
- Select Yes to update the information in Bluechip with that on the card.
- Select No to leave the name in Bluechip as-is. This prompt will display for each verification. Otherwise; you will be prompted with a successful verification.
- Click OK.
Ensure the Doctor's Referral is recorded in the Patient's record.