Step 2: Selecting a Schedule and Recipient Set
In this step you select the recipients who will receive your SMS message.
Unlike sending a single SMS (where you specify the individual recipient), when sending SMS messages in bulk, you must specify a range or scope of recipients. Furthermore, as this is a bulk SMS wizard for Appointments, the scope is based on an appointment schedule, specifying;
- The range of dates and times on which the appointments fall, and
- The practitioner(s) and/or groups of practitioners the appointments are on behalf of.
For example, the image above indicates that we want our recipients to consist of patients who have an appointment;
- On or between 7/3/2016 and 11/3/2016,
- Between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm
- With Dr Bevan Ayres or Dr Grant Kong.
- From and To dates can be free-typed, or selected via the
button.- The default From date is the current date.
- The default To date is one day later than the current date.
- The From date must be equal to or earlier than the To date.
- The From date can never be earlier than the current date.
- From and To times can be free-typed or selected via the
control.- The default From time and To time is 12:00:00am.
- The From date field can be selected by pressing the Alt + F
- The From date field can be selected by pressing the Alt + S
- The Practitioners and Groups list shows all practitioners and practitioner groups SMS messages can be sent on behalf of. By default, nothing is selected when you access this window.
selects all practitioners and practitioner groups.
de-selects all practitioners and practitioner groups.- The list of practitioners and practitioner groups can be selected by pressing Alt + P
- To proceed to the next step:
- The From date/time must be less than or equal to the To date/time.
- At least one practitioner/group must be selected.