Step 5: Receipting a Rebate Medicare Cheque
Before you begin
When a Rebate Medicare Cheque from a Part Payment (gap only) Patient Claim Account is received, the cheque is to be receipted into the Patient Profile, Patient Claim Account. This will balance the Patient's account and generate the payment into the Practitioner's banking.
Within the Patient Claim Account; access the Receipt tab and click
to issue the receipt. -
The Payment Method Type as Cheque, Name (Medicare Details), Bank/Card Type, and enter the Amount on the cheque.
window will appear. Select the - Allocate the owing amount to the rebate payment amount by ticking the Allocate check box in the Allocations area.
- You will be prompted to enter the date-of-issue for the receipt. The default is the current date, click OK.
A Confirmation prompt will appear. Click Yesto set the Medicare Status for the Patient Claim to Finalised (Receipted) claim in the Medicare Module. The claim will no longer appear.