Bulk Bill & Easyclaim Reports
Bluechip provides many Medicare Reports that can assist with claims and reconciling. Four reports as a quick reference to assist with Bulk Bill Claims and Bulk Bill Easyclaims are:
- Debtor Detail Report: provides a summary and detailed breakdown of patient account balances by duration of time (ageing). This will generate the outstanding debit for Bulk Bill claim accounts
- Medicare Processing Report (BB, DVA, BB Easyclaim): provides a list of unprocessed and processed Bulk Bill claims. In the Medicare module; these are the Bulk Bill claims with the status Waiting Process Report, Waiting Payment Report, Ready to Receipt, Rejected and Finalised (Receipted), etc.
- Medicare Claim Payment Report (Bulk Bill/DVA): provides a summary and detailed list of processed Bulk Bill claims that generate the payment details via Medicare Online. This report can be used to reconcile the Practitioners bank statement. . In the Medicare module paid Bulk Bill claims generate the status Finalised (Receipted)
- Medicare Easyclaim Payment Report: provides a list of processed Bulk Bill Easyclaims that generate the payment details via Medicare Online. This report can be used to reconcile the Practitioners bank statement. In the Medicare module paid Bulk Bill Easyclaims generate the status Finalised (Receipted)
Configuring Medicare Online
Set-up for Medicare Online Bulk Bill